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Hollfelder Group

Joining the Hollfelder group


Please send your CV, a statement of your research interests and contact details for two academic referees.

Advertisements for specific available positions can be found on the University of Cambridge's Job Opportunities pages but we welcome postdoc applications at any time.  For suitably qualified candidates we can try to work out a strategy for funding. For example, several postdocs have joined the group funded by the EC, the Swiss National Foundation, CNPq and other international and national sponsors that award individual fellowships. Some sponsor websites of interest can be found on the following links: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships,  FEBS FellowshipsNewton International FellowshipEMBO Fellowships.

Despite the referendum vote to leave the EU currently candidates can still apply for and be funded by EU programmes (see for updates).


PhD students

The doctoral students in the group have joined us from many different backgrounds and universities including the UK, Germany, France, Mexico, Thailand and the US. You should have a good degree in Biochemistry, Biology or Chemistry. Despite the referendum vote to leave the EU currently candidates are still treated as home students (see for updates).

The Graduate Admissions website provides information on postgraduate admission by the University of Cambridge including funding opportunities.

If you are interested in joining the group as a PhD student, please send your CV, a statement of your research interests and contact details for two academic referees. Applications are possible at any time, but funding schemes operate various timetables.

Occasionally, specific PhD studentships become available in our group (e.g. in the EU Marie Curie network MMbio and ES-Cat) and these will always be advertised on the University of Cambridge's Job Opportunities pages.  For these posts it is necessary to be accepted by the group first and then to apply to Graduate Admissions for formal entry to the University of Cambridge.

There are a number of PhD programmes which fund and support Phd students in Cambridge. For example, the group is part of the BBSRC and MRC Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) that provide 4-year fully funded studentships (subject to eligibility), the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) on Sensor Technologies or the Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians.  Applications to DTP operate on a yearly cycle with application deadlines between November and January. Allthough these schemes are administered centrally, we encourage you to make contact with us to express your interest so that we can support you in your application.  PhDs in the Hollfelder group are contained in the BBSRC DTP theme entitled "World Class Underpinning Bioscience."


Undergraduate Thesis Work

Students from other universities can carry out their undergraduate thesis work (e.g. German Diplomarbeit) in our research group. The student will obtain a degree from his or her home institution which usually requires finding an academic at the home institute who is willing to take formal responsibility for the thesis.


Summer Students

Occasionally we can accommodate chemistry or biochemistry students who spend at least eight weeks in a summer project. They would work under the guidance of an experienced doctoral student or postdoc in an ongoing project. Please be aware such stays need to be arranged well in advance, and contact us well in advance. Students must have basic training in experimental biochemistry or chemistry and should have substantial laboratory work experience prior to coming. Please send a CV, a statement of your research interests and contact details for two academic referees. Unfortunately funds to support such stays are only rarely available in Cambridge, so you need to apply for scholarship funding yourself.

PS. We never respond if your letter is obviously a mass mailing -- you have zero chance with this strategy.