Ph.D student
Joined the Hollfelder group: 2017 as project student & 2019 as PhD Student
Background and Current Projects: I did my bachelor and master’s degrees in Biochemistry at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany). My bachelor thesis focussed on the toxicity of different aluminium nanoparticles and salts on human liver cells. I particularly enjoyed working with mammalian cells. During my master’s I became very interested in embryonic development and a research project in the Hollfelder lab combined both my interest and my experience in mammalian cell culture. During my project I used microfluidics to encapsulate mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) in agarose microgels. I analysed the behaviour of mESCs in 3D microgels, compared this to conventional 2D cell culture and studied the effects on early embryonic development. I analysed the mesendoderm differentiation of mESCs during my internship whereas the focus for my PhD is more on the naïve pluripotency.
Interests: I enjoy many different sports (especially horse riding and rowing), cooking and board games.
[6] Munger, C., Kohler, T. N., Slatery, E., Ellermann, A. L., Bergmann, S., Penfold, C., Ampartzidis, I., Chen, Y., Hollfelder, F., & Boroviak, T. E. (2022). Microgel culture and spatial identity mapping elucidate the signalling requirements for primate epiblast and amnion formation. Development. Link
[5] Salmen, F., De Jonghe, J., Kaminski, T. S., Alemany, A., Parada, G. E., Verity-Legg, J., Yanagida, A., Kohler, T. N., Battich, N., van den Brekel, F., Ellermann, A. L., Arias, A. M., Nichols, J., Hemberg, M., Hollfelder, F., & van Oudenaarden, A. (2022). High-throughput total RNA sequencing in single cells using VASA-seq. Nat Biotechnol. Link
[4] Kohler, T. N., De Jonghe, J., Ellerman, A. L., Yanagida, A., Herger, M., Slatery, E. M., Fischer, K., Mulas, C., Winkel, A., Ross, C., Bergmann, S., Franze, K., Chalut, K., Nichols, J., Boroviak, T. E., & Hollfelder, F. (2022). Plakoglobin is a mechanoresponsive regulator of naïve pluripotency. bioRxiv, 2022.2003.2013.484158. Link
[3] Sieg, H., Klusmann, L., Kreß, L., Ellermann, A. L., Böhmert, L., Thünemann, A. F., & Braeuning, A. (2022). Counterions determine uptake and effects of aluminum in human intestinal and liver cells. Toxicol In Vitro, 79, 105295. Link
[2] Schindler M, Siriwardena D, Kohler TN, Ellermann AL, Slatery E, Munger C, Hollfelder F, Boroviak TE. Agarose microgel culture delineates lumenogenesis in naive and primed human pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Reports (2021) May 11;16(5):1347-1362. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2021.04.009. PMID: 33979603; PMCID: PMC8185981. Link
[1] Sieg H, Ellermann AL, Maria Kunz B, Jalili P, Burel A, Hogeveen K, Böhmert L, Chevance S, Braeuning A, Gauffre F, Fessard V, Lampen A. Aluminum in liver cells - the element species matters. Nanotoxicology (2019) Sep;13(7):909-922. doi: 10.1080/17435390.2019.1593542. Epub 2019 Apr 2. PMID: 30938204. Link